
Notes on coding the RPG Combat kata in TypeScript

It had been over a year since I last tried out this variant of the kata (the original one) at its fullest, so I decided to do it again and take notes on the go so I could share them later.

Some housekeeping items first, though:

Table of contents

  1. Iteration #1: Characters
  2. Iteration #2: Levels
  3. Iteration #3: Attack range
  4. Retrospective
  5. Iteration #4: Factions
  6. Iteration #5: Props
  7. Final retrospective

Iteration #1: Characters 🔝

See the code branch in Github.


The Character class

Since I wanted to practice SOLID, I opted for a OOP approach, with a class to model characters.

I implemented a Character class with a health property.

💡 TIP: The instructions don't mention it, but in RPG's the amount of damage a character deals when attacking is usually part of their "stats" or "attributes". The same goes for the amount of healing.

So I'm adding these as properties for Character, rather than passing those parameters to the attack and heal methods we need to create later.

To configure the initial variables for these character properties we will pass an options object to the constructor. So we can instantiate characters like this: new Character({health: 500}).

// src/character/character.ts
export default class Character {
  // ...
  constructor(options: CharacterOptions = {}) {
    const defaults = {
      health: 1000,
      damage: 0,
      healing: 0,

    const { health, damage, healing } = { ...defaults, options };

    // ...

I decided to treat attacking or healing with dead characters as an error. In TypeScript, we use exceptions to handle errors, so we'll throw some of these.

Last, to try this Character class out, I instantiated two of them in src/index.ts and have them fight each other.

Iteration #2: Levels 🔝

See the code branch in Github.


Adding levels

Since we have not received requirements to level up characters, I'm assuming the level will not change after the Character instance has been created. Then, we can just have a readonly property of Character for this.

I'm handling the constraint of characters not being able to target themselves for attacking as a thrown exception, like the previous attack restrictions.

Computing the final damage done to another character is handled in a private helper function, to help code readability.

// src/character/character.ts
export default class Character {
  // ...

  attack(other: Character) {
    if (!this.isAlive) {
      throw new Error("Dead characters cannot attack");

    if (this === other) {
      throw new Error(
        "Invalid attack target: Characters cannot attack themselves"

    const damage = this.#damageTo(other);
    other.health -= damage;

  #damageTo(other: Character) {
    const diff = this.level - other.level;
    const coeff = diff >= 5 ? 1.5 : diff <= -5 ? 0.5 : 1.0;

    return this.damage * coeff;

Iteration #3: Attack range 🔝

See the code branch in Github.


Melee and ranged fighters

Here's comes the first dilemma: shall Melee and Ranged be their own types?.

// src/character/character.ts
export type AttackType = "melee" | "ranged";

export default class Character {
  // ...
  readonly attackType: AttackType;

  constructor(options: CharacterOptions = {}) {
    const defaults = {
      // ...
      attackType: "melee" as AttackType,

    // ...
    this.attackType = attackType;

  get range() {
    return this.attackType === "melee" ? 2 : 20;

  // ...

It is not mentioned in the instructions, but we have an implicit requirement of keeping track of characters' positions. I chose to assume a 2-dimensional space and use the Eclidean distance to compute the distance between two characters.

Position is modeled with a new type, Vec2d:

// src/character/character.ts
export type Vec2d = { x: number; y: number };

"Out of range" attacks are considered as an error, so an exception is thrown when this happens.

// src/character/character.ts
export default class Character {
  // ...
  position: Vec2d;

  constructor(options: CharacterOptions = {}) {
    const defaults = {
      // ...
      position: { x: 0, y: 0 } as Vec2d,

    this.position = position;
    // ...

  attack(other: Character) {
    // ...
    const isWithinRange = this.#distanceTo(other) <= this.range;

    if (!isWithinRange) {
      throw new Error("Invalid attack target: Out of range");
    // ...

  #distanceTo(other: Character) {
    const dx = this.position.x - other.position.x;
    const dy = this.position.y - other.position.y;

    return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

  // ...

Retrospective 🔝

See the code branch in Github.


A reflection…

I'm not happy with the current design: the Character class is getting huge and it does many things:

I opted for a refactor to mitigate this before advancing to the next iterations of the kata. The goal would be to increase the cohesion of the design, by applying the Single Responsibility Principle of SOLID.

Extracting positioning and distances

This is low-hanging fruit. Although position has its own type Vec2d, I decided to extract it into its own class and add a method to compute the distance between two points.

// utils/vec2d.ts
export default class Vec2d {
  x: number;
  y: number;

  // ...

  distanceTo(other: Vec2d) {
    const dx = this.x - other.x;
    const dy = this.y - other.y;

    return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

Using this new class is as easy as substituting new Vec2d for our existing {x: foo, y: bar} expressions.

Organizing character properties

I opted to diffentiate immutable and mutable character properties.

// src/character/character.ts
export default class Character {
  #health: number;
  position: Vec2d;
  #stats: {
    damage: number;
    healing: number;
    level: number;
    attackType: AttackType;

  // ...

  get level() {
    return this.#stats.level;

  // more getters here
  // ...

Extracting the attack action

I decided to give combat actions (attack, healing) their own type, to lift this responsibility off Character.

For attacks, I implemented a new AttackAction class, that is instantiated with a source and a target, and has a run() method to perform the action.

// src/actions/attack.ts
export default class AttackAction {
  readonly source: Character;
  readonly target: Character;

  constructor(source: Character, target: Character) {
    this.source = source;
    this.target = target;

  run() {
    if (!this.source.isAlive) {
      throw new Error("Dead characters cannot attack");

    if (this.source === this.target) {
      throw new Error(
        "Invalid attack target: Characters cannot attack themselves"

    const distance = this.source.position.distanceTo(this.target.position);
    const isWithinRange = distance <= this.source.range;
    if (!isWithinRange) {
      throw new Error("Invalid attack target: Out of range");

    this.target.health -= this.#damage;

  get #damage() {
    const diff = this.source.level - this.target.level;
    const coeff = diff >= 5 ? 1.5 : diff <= -5 ? 0.5 : 1.0;

    return this.source.damage * coeff;

The code for AttackAction is almost verbatim that the one we have in Character, only that now this.source and this.target are used in place of this and other. I also moved all the attack tests to their own spec file (src/actions/attack.spec.ts).

Once the tests pass, we can remove the attack-related code from Character and update the main src/index.ts file to use the new action instead of calling Character.attack():o

// src/index.ts
new AttackAction(orc, elf).run();

Extracting the heal action

This is the same procedure as with the AttackAction:

  1. Create a HealAction class, with a constructor that sets a source.
  2. Copy the code from Character.heal() to HealAction.run(), changing the previous this for this.source
  3. Move the healing tests to their own src/actions/heal.spec.ts spec file, and adapt them so they compile and use HealAction instead.
  4. Delete healing-related code from Character.
  5. Use the new HealAction in src/index.ts.
// actions/heal.ts
export default class HealAction {
  readonly source: Character;

  constructor(source: Character) {
    this.source = source;

  run() {
    if (!this.source.isAlive) {
      throw new Error("Dead characters cannot heal");

    this.source.health += this.source.healing;

Dealing with coupling

With the changes above, the cohesion of the domain has increased, since positioning, attack and healing are separated now.

However, by doing so there's a new problem: coupling. While Vec2d is fully isolated, both AttackAction and HealAction depend on Character.

A tight coupling makes the code harder to adapt to new requirements. To lessen the coupling, we can apply some SOLID principles: Dependency Inversion, Liskov Substitution and Interface Segregation.

Regarding inverting the dependencies, it's half done already: characters that are involved in the combat actions are passed as constructor parameters to AttackAction and HealAction. We just need to apply the other principles to set it up properly.

For segregating the interfaces there's work to do: we must ensure that the actions don't require methods or properties that they don't need… And since the current code takes Character instances, there's indeed uneeded stuff (for instance, AttackAction does not need to know about healing).

As with the Liskov substitution principle, we'd need to ensure that AttackAction and HealAction work with concrete types that implement those new interfaces (Character for now).

Loosening the coupling in HealAction

HealAction is more simple than AttackAction, so it's a good starting point. Both of these need to know about the health points of a character, so I added a common HasHealth interface to represent this.

For healing, the action needs to know about the healing property of an entity: the Healer interface will take care of this.

// src/actions/index.ts
interface HasHealth {
  health: number;
  isAlive: boolean;

export interface Healer extends HasHealth {
  healing: number;
// src/character/character.ts
export default class Character implements Healer {
  // ...

The next step is to use this new interface in HealAction in place of Character:

// actions/heal.ts
export default class HealAction {
  readonly source: Healer;

  constructor(source: Healer) {
    this.source = source;
  // ...

And last, the unit tests for HealAction need to not use instances of Characters. Since now we have an interface, we could just create some mocks that implement this interface:

// src/actions/heal.spec.ts
const anyHealer = ({ health = 1000, healing = 1 } = {}) => {
  return { health, healing, isAlive: health > 0 };

// ...

it("Healers heal themselves", () => {
  const source = anyHealer({ health: 100, healing: 50 });
  const heal = new HealAction(source);



Loosening the coupling in AttackAction

For attacks, the apporach is very similar, but different interfaces for attack source (Attacker) and target (AttackTarget) are needed.

// src/actions/index.ts
interface HasLevel {
  level: number;

interface HasPosition {
  position: Vec2d;

export interface Attacker extends HasHealth, HasLevel, HasPosition {
  damage: number;
  range: number;

export interface AttackTarget extends HasHealth, HasLevel, HasPosition {}
// src/actions/attack.ts
export default class AttackAction {
  readonly source: Attacker;
  readonly target: AttackTarget;

  constructor(source: Attacker, target: AttackTarget) {
    // ...
  // ...

For the unit tests, we can just use more mock objects that satisfy the interfaces:

// src/actions/attack.spec.ts
const anyAttacker = ({
  health = 1000,
  damage = 1,
  level = 1,
  range = 0,
  position = new Vec2d(),
} = {}) => {
  return { damage, level, range, position, isAlive: health > 0, health };

const anyTarget = ({
  health = 1000,
  level = 1,
  position = new Vec2d(),
} = {}) => {
  return { health, isAlive: health > 0, level, position };

describe("Character attack", () => {
  it("Deals damage to another character", () => {
    const source = anyAttacker({ damage: 50 });
    const target = anyTarget({ health: 1000 });
    const attack = new AttackAction(source, target);


  // ...

We should also mark Character as a type that implements those interfaces:

// src/character/character.ts
export default class Character implements Healer, Attacker, AttackTarget {
  // ...

Integration tests

By removing the coupling between Character and the combat actions, we now have a true separation between these. We can see that the actions do not import Character at any time, not even for testing!

However, the main program does need Character instances to attack one another, and heal themselves… This is why integration tests are needed, to check that using Character in AttackAction and HealAction works as intended.

These tests don't use mocks, but real objects.

// test/combat.spec.ts
describe("Character combat", () => {
  it("Allows characters to attack one another", () => {
    const attacker = new Character({ damage: 100 });
    const target = new Character({ health: 1000 });

    new AttackAction(attacker, target).run();


  it("Allows characters to heal themselves", () => {
    const healer = new Character({ health: 900, healing: 50 });

    new HealAction(healer).run();


Iteration #4: Factions 🔝

See the code branch in Github.


Implementing a FactionManager

Where do factions belong?

A first idea could be to add joinFaction and leaveFactions methods to Character. This, however, would imply:

Instead we could have factions completely independent and handled by a new class, FactionManager, in a similar way as the combat actions.

On a practical level, a faction is identified by a string, and will store its members of any type, in a Set (which, in TypeScript, automatically forbids duplications of members). In TypeScript, this means that a == comparison is performed by Set to determine whether two members are the same. Two objects are considered to be equal if they have the same memory address.

Factions should't be repeated either, so they will be stored in a Map, with the faction name (a string) as key.

// src/factions/factions.ts
export default class FactionManager {
  #factions: Map<string, Set<any>>;

  constructor(factions = new Map<string, Set<any>>()) {
    this.#factions = factions;

  join(faction: string, member: any) {
    const members = (this.#factions.get(faction) ?? new Set()).add(member);
    this.#factions.set(faction, members);

  leave(faction: string, member: any) {

  members(faction: string) {
    if (!this.#factions.has(faction)) {
      throw new Error("Faction does not exist");

    return this.#factions.get(faction);

  areAllies(member: any, other: any) {
    return [...this.#factions.values()].some(
      (faction) => faction.has(member) && faction.has(other)

💡 TIP: Implementing members was not a requirement of the kata, but it is handy for debugging and testing.

Checking alliances in AttackAction

AttackAction needs to check alliances before the damage is dealt. Shall we add a brand new action to do this and, at the same time, comply with the Open-Closed principle?

This is kind of a grey area, but I opted for modifying the existing class instead. To keep backwards-compatibility with the old API, the faction manager will be passed to the action constructor as an optional parameter.

Also, to avoid coupling AttackAction with FactionManager, a new interface is needed:

// src/actions/index.ts
export interface AllianceInformer {
  areAllies: (a: any, b: any) => boolean;
// src/actions/attack.ts
export default class AttackAction {
  // ...
  readonly #alliances?: AllianceInformer;

  constructor(source: Attacker, target: AttackTarget, alliances?: AllianceInformer) {
    // ...
    this.#alliances = alliances;

  run() {
    // ...
    if (this.#alliances?.areAllies(this.source, this.target)) {
      throw new Error("Invalid attack target: cannot attack allies");
    // ...

A new action for healing

For healing, things are a bit different, because the behavior does change: instead of healing themselves, healer make another character to recover health points.

Note that, since we are creating a new class and keeping the existing one HealAction, we don't need to worry about backwards compatibility.

// src/actions/heal.ts
export class HealAnotherAction {
  readonly source: Healer;
  readonly target: HealTarget;
  #alliances: AllianceInformer;

  constructor(source: Healer, target: HealTarget, alliances: AllianceInformer) {
    this.source = source;
    this.target = target;
    this.#alliances = alliances;

  run() {
    if (!this.source.isAlive) {
      throw new Error("Dead characters cannot heal");

    if (!this.target.isAlive) {
      throw new Error("Invalid heal target (cannot heal dead characters)");

    if (!this.#alliances.areAllies(this.source, this.target)) {
      throw new Error("Invalid heal target (can only heal allies)");

    this.target.health += this.source.healing;

Integration tests for factions

Like in the refactor, integration tests are needed to check that Character, FactionManager, and the combat actions can all be used together.

// test/combat.spec.ts
describe("Factions", () => {
  it("Characters can join and leave a faction", () => {
    const factions = new FactionManager();
    const orc = new Character();

    factions.join("horde", orc);

    factions.leave("horde", orc);

  it("Characters can heal an ally", () => {
    const healer = new Character({ healing: 50 });
    const target = new Character({ health: 50 });
    const factions = new FactionManager();
    factions.join("foo", healer);
    factions.join("foo", target);

    new HealAnotherAction(healer, target, factions).run();


  it("Disallows characters to attack allies", () => {
    const attacker = new Character({ damage: 100 });
    const target = new Character();
    const factions = new FactionManager();
    factions.join("foo", attacker);
    factions.join("foo", target);
    const attack = new AttackAction(attacker, target, factions);

    expect(() => {
    }).toThrow(/invalid attack target/i);

Iteration #5: Props 🔝

See the code branch in Github.


Implementing Prop

Since Prop need to function as attack targets, this clas need to implement AttackTarget. This requires:

// src/prop/prop.ts
interface PropOptions {
  health?: number;
  position?: Vec2d;

export default class Prop implements AttackTarget, Neutral {
  #health: number;
  readonly position: Vec2d;

  constructor({ health = 1000, position = new Vec2d() }: PropOptions = {}) {
    this.#health = health;
    this.position = position;

  get level() {
    return 1;

  get isAlive() {
    return this.health > 0;

  get health() {
    return this.#health;

  set health(value: number) {
    this.#health = Math.max(0, value);

Factions and props

How to disallow props from joining factions?

An option could be to have as faction members, instead of any, an interface that Character would implement (for instance, HasID with an id string property). However, this would require to modify both Character and FactionManager.

Another solution could be to have FactionManager to reject Prop instances somehow.

The new Neutral interface is just an isNeutral property set to true. Once created, we just need a type guard to check whether an object satisfies that interface.

// src/factions/index.ts
export interface Neutral {
  isNeutral: true;
// src/factions/factions.ts
export default FactionManager {
  // ...
  join(faction: string, member: any) {
    if (isNeutral(member)) {
      throw new Error("Invalid member: neutral entities cannot join factions");
    // ...

function isNeutral(value: unknown): value is Neutral {
  return !!value && (value as Neutral).isNeutral;
// src/prop/prop.ts
export default class Prop implements AttackTarget, Neutral {
  // ...
  readonly isNeutral = true;

Integration tests for props

Integration tests are needed to check that the restrictions props have are actually in place.

⚠️ WARNING: Some of these tests will not be possible to write, because of type checking. This is indeed a good thing! Leveraging this at compile time instead of at running time is one of the advantages of using TypeScript.

// test/combat.spec.ts
describe("Props", () => {
  it("Cannot join factions", () => {
    const house = new Prop();
    const factions = new FactionManager();

    expect(() => {
      factions.join("foo", house);
    }).toThrow(/invalid member/i);

  it("Can be damaged by characters", () => {
    const house = new Prop({ health: 1000 });
    const attacker = new Character({ damage: 100 });

    new AttackAction(attacker, house).run();


Final retrospective 🔝

TL;DR: This solution is obviously over-engineered for the scope of the problem, but my intent with the kata was to practice applying SOLID principles, and this was achieved.

What problems did you encounter?

What have you learned?

Rather than learning something new, I think it was a good practice of SOLID, since all the five principles were applied.

Added on: